Viasox Blogs For People With Diabetes

Ankle compression socks are highly effective in promoting overall foot health and wellness with their uniform compression design. Unlike graduated compression socks, ankle compression socks provide consistent pressure around the...

Floral Ankle Compression socks

What is Shin Splints? Shin splints refer to pain along the tibia, the large bone in the front of the lower leg. Medically known as medial tibial stress syndrome, they...

Shin splints

What is Vasculitis? Vasculitis refers to inflammation of the blood vessels, which can affect one or multiple organs. Blood vessels are channels for blood flow throughout the body. There are...


What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis is a prevalent and painful condition affecting the heel. It arises from inflammation of the plantar fascia, a robust, fibrous tissue band stretching along...

Plantar Fasciitis

Berberine is a bioactive compound in several plants, including European barberry, goldenseal, goldthread, Oregon grape, phellodendron, and tree turmeric. This yellow-colored, bitter-tasting chemical has been integral to Ayurvedic and Traditional...


The carnivore diet is restrictive and includes only meat, fish, and other animal foods like eggs and certain dairy products. It excludes all other foods, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains,...

Carnivore diet for diabetes

Here’s something you may not know — too much alcohol can lead to or exacerbate neuropathy. Makes you reconsider that drink, doesn’t it?

Alcohol makes neuropathy worse

Foot Corn Corn, also referred to as a "calvus," "heloma," or "focal intractable plantar hyperkeratosis," is a specific type of thickened skin lesion. Corns develop due to repeated mechanical trauma from friction...

Corns on feet

Edema refers to swelling resulting from excessive fluid accumulation in body tissues. This condition primarily affects the feet, ankles, and legs but can also manifest in the face, hands, and...


Carbohydrate counting involves tracking the carbs in all your meals, snacks, and drinks to align with your activity levels, medication and diet. This practice is particularly beneficial for those with...

Carb counting

In this article, we'll explore everything you need to know about leg cramps—those sudden, painful spasms that can catch you off guard. We'll look into why they happen, how you...

Leg cramps

When should compression socks be worn? The answer is, they're great for any time! Here are some of the best ways you can benefit from compression socks. Compression Socks for...

Viasox compression socks

Do you struggle with sweaty feet that make you feel uneasy and embarrassed? Many people face this issue, regardless of their age or way of life. Our detailed guide will...

Sweaty feet

Have you ever spent a restless night with your legs refusing to settle, keeping you from a peaceful sleep? Many people struggle with this, constantly shifting to ease their aching...

Night leg aches

If you’ve heard of compression socks, you probably already know the many benefits that wearing compression socks can add to your life. Compression socks help to boost your circulation, decrease...

Sleeping in compression socks

Leg pain is a common symptom with many potential causes, ranging from acute injuries to chronic conditions affecting various tissues and systems. Understanding the specific causes can help guide appropriate...

Leg pain

Polydipsia, a term for excessive thirst, is a complex condition where an individual experiences a persistent, overwhelming urge to drink fluids. This condition extends beyond the occasional thirst everyone experiences,...


Peeing more than usual can often be explained by simple changes, like drinking more fluids or consuming lots of drinks with caffeine. However, if you've already considered these common reasons...


Mothers, the unsung heroes of our lives, deserve recognition and love every day, not just on Mother's Day. Yet, when those special occasions arise, it's the perfect opportunity to go...

Mother's Day gift

Polyphagia, or hyperphagia, is an overwhelming and extreme hunger. It's often a sign of diabetes but can also result from other conditions, like hyperthyroidism and specific types of atypical depression....


The circulatory system is vital in delivering blood, oxygen, and nutrients to various cells throughout the body. When blood vessels within certain regions become occluded, calcified, or constricted, an individual...

Poor circulation in the feet

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, feels like there's this irresistible urge to move the legs around because they feel super uncomfortable, especially when relaxing or sleeping...

Restless leg syndrome

Whether you have been newly diagnosed or have been living with diabetes for years, taking the time to learn how to improve your diet is never a bad idea. Read...

Diabetes diet

Diabetes Mellitus represents a complex spectrum of metabolic disorders, principally defined by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin action, secretion, or both.  Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is predominantly a consequence...

Complications of diabetes

Sciatica is a common condition referred to as nerve pain resulting from injury or pressure to the sciatic nerve, affecting about 10% to 40% of people during their lifetime. The...


Are you experiencing diabetic heel pain? There’s are numerous steps you could take to find relief. Find out how and where you can find diabetic heel pain relief.

Diabetic heel pain

Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by high levels of sugar in the blood, and it presents in several forms, each with its own set of symptoms. Understanding these symptoms...

Diabetes symptoms

Diabetic retinopathy is a serious complication of diabetes that impacts the eyes. This condition occurs due to damage to the retina's blood vessels, the part of the eye that is...

Diabetic retinopathy

Role of GI in Blood Sugar Management The Glycemic Index (GI) is an essential tool, particularly for those managing type 2 diabetes, as it measures the effect of different carbohydrates...

Healthy foods

What is DVT? Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a medical condition where blood clots develop in the body's deep veins, typically in the lower legs or thighs. Symptoms typically include swelling,...

Deep Vein Thrombosis

Diabetic socks vs. compression socks:  People with diabetes experience poor blood circulation in the feet. Here’s which socks will help.

Diabetic socks Vs compression socks

Varicose veins are swollen and twisted veins, occurring primarily in the legs. These veins become enlarged due to an accumulation of blood, often due to malfunctioning valves within the veins....

Varicose veins

Stress is an inevitable part of life, and for individuals with diabetes, understanding its impact on blood sugar levels is crucial. This post explains the connections between stress, blood sugar...

Stress and diabetes

Gangrene, a condition characterized by the death of body tissue, arises primarily due to insufficient blood flow or severe bacterial infections. While it can impact various body parts, including arms,...

Gangrene foot

For many people living with diabetes, pain management is an essential part of their daily treatment plan. Caused by nerve damage as a result of chronically high blood sugar levels,...

Diabetic pain management

In recent years, the relationship between coffee consumption and diabetes management has become a topic of significant interest among healthcare professionals and individuals with diabetes. This article explores the various...

Coffee and diabetes

Diabetes, a chronic condition affecting millions worldwide, can manifest in various symptoms, including a common yet often overlooked issue: diabetic foot itch. This article aims to provide comprehensive insights into...

Diabetic foot itch

Diabetes, a metabolic condition, impairs blood sugar regulation and often leads to various complications. Foot-related issues, including neuropathy, corns, calluses, and athlete's foot, are prevalent. For individuals with diabetes, blood...

Athlete's foot

Learn about the most common diabetic feet issues. Discover their symptoms, possible treatment, and proper care.  

Socks for diabetic feet issues

Compression socks are often recommended for long-term management of conditions affecting circulation. Wearing them for extended periods, possibly years or even a lifetime, may be necessary to manage symptoms and...

Diabetes and swelling

Diabetes, a chronic condition affecting millions worldwide, presents various health challenges, one of which is the risk of developing sores on the feet. These sores, if not managed properly, can...

Diabetic sores on feet

Good compression socks are more than a fashion statement or a simple accessory. They are vital for enhancing blood circulation, reducing leg fatigue, and providing support in various physical conditions...

Guide to Good Compression Socks

Learn more about diabetic foot ulcers. What causes them, and what are the possible treatment and prevention methods.


When selecting a beverage to satisfy your thirst, options with zero or low calories are generally the wisest choice. Enhancing your drink with a fresh lemon or lime juice splash...

Diabetic drinks

Even as the prevalence of type 2 diabetes continues to rise year after year, most people do not know the primary risk factors that can lead to the development of...

Type 2 diabetes

November marks a significant month for the diabetes community — Diabetes Awareness Month. It's a time to share stories, raise awareness, and reinforce the importance of education in managing diabetes and...

Diabetes awareness month

Signs of diabetics foot problems may appear in skin discoloration, skin temperature and swelling or foot pain. Ignoring these signs may lead to serious complications.

Doctor and patient

If you or a loved one are living with diabetes, preventing peripheral neuropathy is likely a part of the treatment plan. As a common side effect of chronically elevated blood...

Preventing Peripheral Neuropathy

The festive season is upon us, with homes lighting up and cheerful carols filling every corner. At Viasox, we understand the joy of selecting the perfect gift and the warmth...

Socks gifts for diabetics

If your feet and ankles are swelling up, you're not alone—it's a pretty common issue, and often, it happens even if you're not in any pain. There are all sorts...

How to reduce swelling in feet

Some health issues, like sciatica and diabetes, can numb your feet. Treating these issues might bring back feelings in your feet or stop the numbness from worsening. Your feet need...

Numbness of Foot - Understanding Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Managing cravings for sugary treats can be tough, especially for individuals with type 2 diabetes. It's crucial for them to monitor and regulate their carbohydrate intake, which includes sugars. Sugar...

Best sweetener for diabetics

Charcot Foot represents a debilitating and progressive affliction characterized by the systematic weakening of the bones, joints, and soft tissues in the foot or ankle. This condition emerges as a...

Charcot foot disease

Compression socks are gaining traction in various spheres, from healthcare to sports. But what exactly do compression socks do? Why are they becoming increasingly popular across various segments of the...

What do compression socks do?

As the number of people diagnosed with type II diabetes continues to climb year after year, it is only natural that we are becoming more aware of the disease. Whether...

Early signs of diabetes

Diabetes is a common health concern, affecting millions of people worldwide. A common question among patients and their families is, Can diabetes be reversed? This article will explore the potential...

Diabetes complications

Experiencing a burning sensation in the feet can be distressing, especially if the cause is unknown. Often described by patients as feeling like one's feet are on fire, this symptom...

Burning feet syndrome

Diabetes, characterized by elevated blood sugar levels, is one of the primary health challenges globally, impacting millions of individuals. Lifestyle choices, particularly regarding alcohol consumption, play a significant role in...

Alcohol and diabetes

The ketogenic diet, popularly known as the keto diet, emphasizes high fat and low carbohydrate consumption, pushing the body into a metabolic state called ketosis. As the trend continues to...

Keto diet

Understanding Diabetes: A Chronic Health Condition Diabetes, a chronic health condition that affects how your body converts food into energy. The food you consume is mostly converted into glucose (a...

Smoking and diabetes

Understanding the influence of dates on blood glucose levels is crucial for individuals with diabetes due to their inherent sweetness and carbohydrate content. With careful consumption, dates can be a...

Dates for diabetics

Individuals managing diabetes face an ongoing struggle, given the crucial need to stabilize their blood sugar levels within a certain range. This balance requires a calculated blend of adequate nutrition,...

Dangerous blood sugar levels

Diabetic foot pain, a common and often debilitating complication of diabetes, poses a significant health problem. This discomfort, coupled with symptoms like numbness, tingling, or burning, can significantly reduce a...

Diabetic foot pain

Being obese can make you more likely to develop diabetes, though the association is there diabetes is in the end a condition of having too much glucose in your bloodstream.

Obesity and diabetes

During diabetes research it’s been shown that intermittent fasting may help manage diabetes, but it doesn’t come without its risks.

Intermittent fasting for diabetes

When it comes to diabetes-friendly foods, few are as potent and versatile as the humble avocado. This creamy green fruit is popular thanks to its impressive nutritional profile, rich in vitamins,...

Diabetes and avocados

Tingling in feet, often described as a pins and needles sensation, can be a fleeting annoyance or an indicator of an underlying health issue. This comprehensive guide will delve deep...

Tingling in feet

A nutritious and balanced diet is essential for everyone, particularly for those managing diabetes. In the quest for an ideal diet, the question of can a diabetic eat rice often arises. The...

Can a diabetic eat rice?

Embark on a journey with us through the blood sugar chart, an essential guide that demystifies the ideal glucose levels in your bloodstream before and after meals. Whether you are diabetes-free or managing...

Diabetes control chart

Diabetes is an ailment that affects millions of people around the world. As individuals seek alternative and complementary remedies, cinnamon for diabetes has gained traction. In this article, we delve into why cinnamon...

Cinnamon for diabetes

Diabetes, a global health concern, is often associated with a spectrum of physical complications. However, it's crucial to shed light on a lesser-discussed but equally alarming aspect - the connection...

Diabetes and depression

If you often find yourself wondering, why are my feet always cold? it could be more than just your body's reaction to the ambient temperature. While sometimes, cold feet are...

Cold feet

There has been an ongoing debate on whether bananas are good for diabetics, given their sugar content and glycemic index. This article aims to delve deeper into the relationship between...


Diabetes and the associated complications call for careful dietary choices. Among the many food items under scrutiny, honey is a topic of considerable debate. Although honey has health benefits, it...

Honey and diabetes

Many minds have a burning question: Are eggs good for diabetics? The answer is not as straightforward as you might think. It's time to crack open the truth about eggs...

Hands holding two eggs

Peripheral neuropathy is an aggravating condition caused by damage to peripheral nerves (nerves that are located outside of your brain and spine) - symptoms of this condition include chronic pain,...

Repair damaged nerves naturally

If you’re someone with diabetes and you are trying to improve your health and lifestyle, it can be overwhelming at first. Diabetes is a condition that affects many parts of the...

Yoga for diabetes

At Viasox, we want to let everyone know about the benefits of wearing graduate compression socks. If you’ve heard about graduated compression socks and want more info before trying a...

Graduated compression socks

Chronic foot pain is a very common condition. In a National Health Interview Survey conducted in 2019, 20.5% of all adults in the United States reported suffering from some sort...

Woman wearing the most comfortable socks

The pain from peripheral neuropathy can be treated with physical therapy and non-surgical methods, but in some cases surgery can offer lasting relief.

Doctor inspecting a foot

As someone with diabetes, once you start experiencing pain due to diabetic neuropathy, you’ll start to desperately search for ways to treat the pain. That’s because diabetic neuropathy pain can...

Essential oils for neuropathy

Generally you’ll want to avoid foods with gluten, alcohol, added surgars and refined grains, but here’s an exact list of some of the top 5 foods you should avoid.

Neuropathy foods to avoid

With peripheral neuropathy you’ll want to focus on foods that contain antioxidants that help fight nerve damage and control inflammation for a more balanced die.

Peripheral neuropathy diet

Excessive sweating isn’t always related to diabetes and can be a sign of other ailments, but many people with diabetes do experience excessive sweating.

A man sweating

If you’re someone with diabetes looking to improve your health (or maintain good health in general), you might be aware of the fact that monitoring your diet remains a crucial...

Best fruits for diabetics

If you’re someone with diabetes, one of the most crucial aspects of living a good life with the condition is to maintain a healthy level of low blood sugar. Having...

Foods that lower blood sugar

Prediabetes means that your blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be called diabetes.


If you're someone who deals with diabetic neuropathy, you know exactly how debilitating the condition can be and how it can impede you from your day-to-day lifestyle. Diabetic neuropathy occurs...

Reverse neuropathy

Nothing lasts forever, not even your socks. While it may be easy to tell when it’s time to get rid of your old shoes, your rotten vegetables, or your spoiled...

Torn diabetic socks

Diabetic neuropathy is among the most common issues that are currently facing people with diabetes today. Up to 51% of adults with diabetes deal with some form of diabetic neuropathy,...

Neuropathy pain in legs & feet

If you’re someone with diabetes, you know taking care of your legs and feet is a crucial aspect of leading a happy and healthy life overall. Many people with diabetes deal...

A lady thinking

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and various other health authorities, as many as 50% of people living with diabetes will develop a complication known as neuropathy. Neuropathy, or nerve damage,...

Sensory neuropathy in the foot

Diabetics may not see neuropathy develop for years sometimes 10-20 years after diagnosis and it happens over time as nerves become damaged. Here is everything you need to know about...

A woman thinking

It’s difficult enough to deal with diabetes as an adult, but this disease isn’t just for older folks. If you’ve ever wondered “Do children get diabetes?”, the answer is yes....

Childhood diabetes

Diabetic kidney disease aka DKD is a serious complication of diabetes type 1 and 2 that results in high blood pressure and damage to your blood vessels causing your kidneys...

Kidney disease chart

Diabetic neuropathy pain is often experienced as a tingling, burning, or stabbing pain in the feet, legs, hands, and arms. Dealing with these sensations can make life difficult during the...

Why is diabetic neuropathy worse at night?

Can peripheral neuropathy cause leg pain? What about numbness? If you’ve got questions about how peripheral neuropathy can affect your legs, this article is for you. Keep reading below to...

Peripheral neuropathy in feet

We all know how important a healthy diet is to keep us feeling strong and healthy — but could your food choices also affect your nerve health? For example, can food...

Man wiping mouth with napkin

Even if your family history has diabetes you can prevent type 2 by eating healthier, being phsyically healthy and maintain a lower body fat percentage.

Diabetes risk factors and prevention

Neuropathy is a common complication of diabetes, with symptoms that range from mildly annoying to completely debilitating. Regardless of which stage of neuropathy you’re experiencing, one thing is for sure:...

Fruits & baked goods