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Viasox Blogs For People With Diabetes

“Prediabetes” — What Is It & What Does It Mean?

Prediabetes means that your blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be called diabetes.

Effective Ways to Reverse Neuropathy in 7 Days

Reverse neuropathy

If you're someone who deals with diabetic neuropathy, you know exactly how debilitating the condition can be and how it can impede you from your day-to-day lifestyle. Diabetic neuropathy occurs...

How Long Do Socks Last? – When You Should Replace Your Socks

Torn diabetic socks

Nothing lasts forever, not even your socks. While it may be easy to tell when it’s time to get rid of your old shoes, your rotten vegetables, or your spoiled...

Socks For Peripheral Neuropathy - Everything You Need to Know

Neuropathy pain in legs & feet

Diabetic neuropathy is among the most common issues that are currently facing people with diabetes today. Up to 51% of adults with diabetes deal with some form of diabetic neuropathy, and...

Are Compression Socks Good for Diabetes?

A lady thinking

If you’re someone with diabetes, you know taking care of your legs and feet is a crucial aspect of leading a happy and healthy life overall. Many people with diabetes deal...

What Is Sensory Peripheral Neuropathy & How Can You Avoid It?

Sensory neuropathy in the foot
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and various other health authorities, as many as 50% of people living with diabetes will develop a complication known as neuropathy. Neuropathy, or nerve damage, can take many different forms. If you’re diabetic, though, the most common is peripheral neuropathy.

How Long Does Diabetic Neuropathy Take to Develop & How Long Does It Last?

A woman thinking
Diabetics may not see neuropathy develop for years sometimes 10-20 years after diagnosis and it happens over time as nerves become damaged. Here is everything you need to know about diabetic neuropathy.

Childhood Diabetes: 5 Things You Need To Know

Childhood diabetes
It’s difficult enough to deal with diabetes as an adult, but this disease isn’t just for older folks. If you’ve ever wondered “Do children get diabetes?”, the answer is yes. While it’s rare to develop diabetes as a child, it still happens — and if it does, you want to be prepared. Here are five things you should know about diabetes in young children.

Diabetic Nephropathy - Symptoms & Treatment

Kidney disease chart
Diabetic kidney disease aka DKD is a serious complication of diabetes type 1 and 2 that results in high blood pressure and damage to your blood vessels causing your kidneys to not work.

Why Is Diabetic Neuropathy Worse At Night & How Can It Be Managed?

Why is diabetic neuropathy worse at night?
Diabetic neuropathy pain is often experienced as a tingling, burning, or stabbing pain in the feet, legs, hands, and arms. Dealing with these sensations can make life difficult during the day — but at night? It can make your life downright unbearable.

Peripheral Neuropathy In The Legs — What Causes It?

Peripheral neuropathy in feet
Can peripheral neuropathy cause leg pain? What about numbness? If you’ve got questions about how peripheral neuropathy can affect your legs, this article is for you. Keep reading below to learn more about what peripheral neuropathy is, why it affects your legs, and what you can do to prevent and manage neuropathy symptoms.

Can Food Allergies Cause Peripheral Neuropathy?

Man wiping mouth with napkin

We all know how important a healthy diet is to keep us feeling strong and healthy — but could your food choices also affect your nerve health? For example, can food...